Monday, April 17, 2017

Oh No!

Only 6 months till Halloween. and I'm still making Daisies. But, I do love them so much so it's okay! I did a couple of things I haven't done in quite some time. On this daisy her little dress is all hand embroidered. I forgot how relaxing this is and you can sit outside and listen to the birdies. In my case the Blue Jay screaming and trying to peck my eyes out. As long as you don't make any sudden moves he will leave you alone. He will move on in the next week and it will be safe again. :)

Next I did a little Hag Witch, (because there's only 6 months till Halloween) I haven't done a doll face like this in a long time! She's needle sculpted and I had so much fun.

Moral of the story it's nice to take a break from the norm and try something new or old. You might be surprised at the results!

I'll be adding new witches like her to my collection this year. :)

They both are available in my etsy shop!

Click here to go to Etsy

Have an Awesome Week!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017

The first Blooms of spring

I love these tulips, this is the first year I got to see them bloom. In years past the squirrels ate them.  :(  Nothing usually grows on that side of the house except for this vine that drives me crazy. I bought some shade bulbs this year to try and get a little color up front. Fingers crossed.
